Article I – Name |
The name of the Club which was formally formed on 1 st August, 2004, shall be Al Majd Tennis Club. |
Article II – Address |
The Club's address shall be at Al Majd Compound Banimalik District, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . |
Article III – Status and Objectives |
- Section 1 - The Club is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to poster close relationship and camaraderie among expatriates whose interest is in the sport of Lawn Tennis.
- Section 2 - To advance and promote the sport, encourage members to learn more of the techniques from professional trainors.
- Section 3 - The Club will also provide tennis activities thru In-house Tournament, Interclub competition, Ladies Tournament and Junior tennis tournament and the possibility of organizing big time major tennis competition.
Article IV – Memberships |
Membership will be limited to 70 only in which replacement of outgoing members will be decided upon by the Committee assigned to handle this kind of affairs. Classes of Members:
- Section 1 – Adult ( 18 years old and above)
- Section 2 – Couple
- Section 3 – Junior (17 and below)
- Section 4 – Membership Fee will be SR50 each and SR.10 monthly dues will be collected to all members except non-playing wife, for junior members and employees of Al Majd Emulsion and Asphalt Factory.
Article V - Officers and Head of Committees |
Management of the Club will be the sole responsibility of the Officers and Head of Committees.
- Section 1 - The Officers shall be composed of Chairman. Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Business Manager, Auditor and Sergeant at Arms which will run the organization in one year after they are elected.
- Section 2 – Head of Committees shall be selected and appointed unanimously by elected Officers and approved by the Chairman immediately upon assuming their post.
- Section 3 - Head of Committees shall have the power to fill-up the slot of out- going member, to terminate membership of any member who breaches the rules and or having misconduct or offensive behavior to any co-member and visitors of the club.
- Section 4 – Head of Committees may make and revise the Club's Constitution and Rules to make it more suitable to the members. They have the power to set the ruling to amend the Constitution.
- Section 5 - Head of Committees may call for annual election and may have the power to determine the exact date appropriate for everyone to attend.
- Section 6 – The Club will have at least three (3) Advisers including the owner of the Company or any of his representatives.
Article VI – Duties of the Officers |
Officers of the Club must make sure that the Club interest comes first in any dealing that may affect the organization. They must ensure that each of every member is protected to any kinds of contract that they may enter into and there should be transparency in all kinds of transactions.
- Section 1 – Chairman – The Chairman shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club and will preside to quorum and meetings like General Membership Meeting, Committee Meeting and Officers Meeting.
- Section 2 – Vice Chairman – The Vice Chairman shall preside in the absence of the Chairman. He will serve the Committees and the Chairman as an Administrative assistant that will ensure the smooth implementation of all programs the committees has approved and the club in general.
- Section 3 – Secretary – The Secretary shall take minutes at the following meetings: General Meetings of the Club, Committee Meetings and Officers Meeting. He is also responsible for handling Club's correspondence and should give notice to all Officers and Committee heads.
- Section 4 - Treasurer – The Treasurer shall keep all the records pertaining to records of collections due from membership fees, monthly dues and other collections maybe deem necessary by the Chairman. He/she shall receive all the contributions and shall pay all the bills in behalf of the Club. All incoming collections and donations must be issued official receipts and official vouchers for expenses that will be incurred. He/she will prepare regular statement every quarter and summary statement at the end of the year. Any disbursement shall be audited by the Auditor and approved by the Chairman.
- Section 5 – Auditor – The Auditor shall ensure transparency in all transactions entered into by the Club and its Treasurer, will safeguard the financial status of the Club.
- Section 6 – Business Manager & PRO – The Business Manager and PRO shall handle all the planning and programs of action of the Club. He or She must be responsible in all the dealings with other Tennis Clubs, press releases and others that may affect our Club with the tennis community.
- Section 7 – Sergeant At Arms – The Sergeant at Arms shall maintain peace and order at all times most especially in Club functions. They should coordinate with the Chairman and Head of committees any untoward incident that may occur and shall protect the members from any harm.
Article VII - Meetings |
The Officers and Head of Committees shall meet at least four times in every year and may call emergency meetings as circumstances may require.
- Section 1 - The quorum for Officers and Heads of Committee meeting shall be seven (7) and in the event of equality of voting the Chairman shall have second or casting vote.
- Section 2 - Head of Committees may delegate any part of their duties to any of their committee members to attend in the meeting and can cast their votes in their behalf.
- Section 3 – An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year after one month of assuming their elected post. Any member who attends will be given their free time to speak and air their comments that will benefit the Club in general.
- Section 4 – Head of Committees shall call an extra ordinary meeting at their discretion if warranted by any circumstances.
- Section 5 – Any member wishing to propose a resolution must be notified quickly to the Secretary so that provision to the Agenda can be made prior to the scheduled meeting.
Article VIII - Committees |
The Club shall have different Committees that will handle all future activities. They will be unanimously selected by the Officers of the Club. The standing committees are:
- Section 1 – Technical Committee – will be headed by the Tournament Director that will ensure all future In-house and Invitational tournaments will run smoothly. They will provide all the rulings base on the latest ATP manuals. The committee will also represent the Club in all ASTEC and AFTPA classification meetings.
- Section 2 – Financial Committee – To be headed by the Treasurer and the Auditor and shall prepare all the budgetary expenses for the Official Club activities. They will also handle all collections if the Club goes for sponsoring big time tennis tournaments. Show transparency by making financial statement at every end of the tournament and other club official events.
- Section 3 – Maintenance Committee - Shall handle all the necessary improvement in the court and its surroundings. These will include electrical lines and other venue that the Clubs will utilize.
- Section 4 – Program and Publicity Committee – Shall handle all the necessary preparations for Club's program activities, manage all correspondences, news releases, and conduct other activities that will set the policy for the Club in order to accomplish its purpose.
- Section 5 – Social Function Committee – Shall function in Club's official parties and celebrations and will ensure that the food to be served are safe and will control the smooth flow to the partaker.
- Section 6 – Electronic Medium Communications Committee – Shall function as communication center and will have the power to edit all incoming and outgoing releases to be posted and will coordinate to Section 4 Committee for any official announcement. Shall also hold the responibility of updating members and communicate thru SMS and Email.
- Section 7 – Medical Committee – Shall consist of members with medical background to provide first aid and other medical treatment to any members who will meet accident on the court and to the areas of official functions.
- Section 8 – Grievance Committee – Shall consist all Committee Heads and will be presided by the Chairman whose main function is to oversee the well being of Club Members, administer and hear complains against fellow member, may it be Club's or personal matters. Assist and help member colleagues who are in need of guidance and counseling.
Article IX - Rules |
The Club rules are to be provided to all active members and to any prospective new members in conjunction with an application form.
- Section 1 – Upon acceptance to the Club, members will be issued with membership identification card. This must be display in your tennis bag to gain access to the tennis court. If the card is lost a replacement fee of SR5 will be charged. The committee reserves the right to refuse admission to the Club or withdraw membership if deemed necessary due to breach of the Constitution and By-Laws and Rules in the court.
- Section 2 - All players must wear suitable, clean tennis clothing; clean tennis shoes so as not to damage the court's surface.
- Section 3 - Club members are responsible for keeping the tennis court and its surroundings free of litters. Smoking inside the court is strictly prohibited and if ever you smoke outside make sure that cigarette butts are properly disposed. Remember, the compound has all the flammable chemicals and materials.
- Section 4 – The court is primarily for the use of paying members only. Non member guests will be allowed to play if officially invited by the Club.
- Section 5 – As we are all responsible members of the club, we have to provide ourselves of still good tennis playing balls if not new, whenever we enter the tennis court to play. All of us are income earners and let us not allowed others to pay for our own pleasure. NO BALLS, NO PLAY. Umpire/scorer during the match has the priority to play in the next game. Let us give proper compensation to his efforts. We should follow the rules on first come first play and let those who have not played yet to have their time inside the court.
- Section 6 - Our ladies are paying members of the Club. They should be allowed proper usage of the court, equal time opportunity to play and most of all, be courteous to them. Official playing days for ladies are Wednesday and Friday. They have all the priorities on these days.
- Section 7 – Official time for playing start from 4:30 p.m. up to 12:00 midnight only from Saturday to Wednesday. Those who can come early should play from the start time so we can give enough chance to others who comes late in the night. We need to do this so we can maximize usage of the court. During Thursday, we can start at 4 p.m. and end at 2:00 a.m.
- Section 8 - The net and other equipment, furniture and fixtures must be treated carefully to avoid damage.
Article X - Amendments |
Our Constitution may be amended at any General Membership Meeting of the Club if such changes are for the interest of Club and its members. The ruling will be based on Article V Section 4. |